速報APP / 生活品味 / Brick Lane Mosque App

Brick Lane Mosque App





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本



Brick Lane Mosque App(圖1)-速報App

Assalaamu Alaikum

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖2)-速報App

By the grace of Allah we are delighted to welcome you to our new website. We hope that you find it useful and informative and that this website performs in some small way to further the aims and traditions of this truly historic Mosque.

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖3)-速報App

Located in the city of London it has a very long history of worship – from French Protestants in 1743 later converted to a Methodist Chapel then later still to a Great Synagogue in 1898 and finally a Mosque – the Jamme Masjid in 1976 and it is wonderful to see modern 21st century technology and centuries old tradition fusing to further the aims and beliefs of the community. The Mosque is known throughout the UK and Europe and is the focal point for the Muslim community in London. It has a vibrant community and the Mosque provides many activities for Muslims and non muslims. It aims is to strengthen inter faith understanding and to serve its community well and seeks to present Islam to the wider society – providing Islamic literature, organises open days, study groups, conferences and so on.

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖4)-速報App

The members and faithful continue to raise money tirelessly to improve the building and the services provided – please give generously if you can – you will see a facility to donate online or we are always pleased to receive donations at the Mosque.

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖5)-速報App

The mosque is a community based, independent and non-profit organisation funded by contributions form members of our community. Running a charity of this size and complexity requires the dedication and support of a great many people and we cannot thank them all here- however our heartfelt thanks go to a great many people and organisations who provide time and dedicated support that makes all things possible.

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖6)-速報App

We hope you enjoy using the apps and will come and see us at the Mosque- you are always welcome

Brick Lane Mosque App(圖7)-速報App